Being A Rainbow
There’s lots of fun things for you to see and do whilst at Rainbows. Let’s take a look at some of the Rainbows traditions.
Your Guiding Family
Rainbows is part of Girlguiding and your guiding sisters include Brownies, Guides and Rangers.
7 - 10 years
4 - 7 years
14 - 18 years
10 - 14 years
Around The World
Around the world there are lots of Rainbows just like you! Many wear different uniforms. During your Rainbows journey, we’ll find out about them.
World Thinking Day
The 22nd February each year is World Thinking Day, when girl guides and girl scouts - including Rainbows - celebrate friendship.
The Rainbow Promise
The Promise is about you trying new things and helping others.
When you are ready, you will make your Promise and receive your Promise pin.
“I promise that I will do my best to think about my beliefs and to be kind and helpful.”
The Circle
At the start and end of every meeting we form a circle and sing the Rainbows song. Each meeting we choose a Rainbow to be flag bearer.
This is our traditional way to welcome new Rainbows and say hello and goodbye to each other.
The Rainbows Song
The start…
Look, learn, laugh, love.
Rainbows has begun.
We’re all here now.
Come and join the fun.
The End…
Look, learn, laugh, love.
We’ve had lots of [activity] fun.
Bye-bye Rainbows.
Sleep well everyone.
Taking Part
Time To Listen
When a leader or helper puts their hand up, everyone should put their hand up, stay still and listen.
Be Kind and Helpful
Let’s look after each other and respect what makes each of us different. Encourage and support everyone around you.
Do Your Best
Don’t be afraid to try something new. Give everything a chance. Practice makes perfect. Mistakes and failures help us to learn.
Activities at Rainbows
We play games and sport, indoors and out.
We build, bake, make, paint and draw things.
We try things out and experiment.
Out and About
Being a Rainbow is about exploring, discovering and having adventures. Throughout the year we offer opportunities to take part in trips, events and experiences.
Pot of gold
When a Rainbow turns 7 years old it’s time grow from Rainbows to a new adventure at Brownies. This is called Pot of gold, and usually happens at the end of the term.