Animal Lover

Interest Badge, Know Myself, Rainbows

Use the Favourite Animal sheet to help you think about what your chosen animal might get up to and how they look after themselves.

Draw pictures of their activities in the morning or when they first get up (some animals only venture out at night), what they might do to exercise and play.

The Animal Care Plan can help you record what you need to do when looking after a pet or animal. Draw and name the animal in the circle at the top.

A particular animal may require certain amounts of different food. Draw or write the food in the bowls and add the amount required next to the scales below each one.

You’ll have to feed and clean your pet regularly but these things may be at different times. You can use the schedule to record this. You can also add special cleaning and care instructions.

If you are looking for ideas to make your own animal or pet, check out our animal fortune teller puppets and giant seahorses. You can also paint a pebble.

Martin Balmer

Working with watercolour pencils I hand draw and paint wild animal illustrations, British garden birds, pet portraits and other subjects.
