Adult to Child Ratio Calculator

Please read the help, information and terms of use first.

Event or Activity

Girlguiding Young Members

Enter the number of attendees from each individual section.

The following ratios will apply to this calculation.



Children of Volunteers

This section is for children that are not attending as Girlguiding members.

Sometimes volunteers may need to bring their own children to unit meetings, activities and residential events when they are not members or otherwise eligible for the event. This should only happen when alternative supervision cannot be arranged and they should check with their local commissioner first. Children taking part as Girlguiding members, in a section appropriate for the event, should not be included in these numbers but must be included above.

The following ratios will apply to this calculation.



By using this online tool and activiting the Calculate button you are agreeing to the terms of use. Please check the information you have entered is correct and that you have selected the correct type of event.